About Us
The Institute of Sustainable Trade (IST) is a professional membership and education institute offering education, networking and professional development opportunities to international trade professionals, with a focus on preparing for a more sustainable future.
Through membership of the IST, international trade professionals will have an opportunity for their skills and expertise to be certified and recognised within the industry, as well as gaining education and training opportunities to progress their careers.

Institute of sustainable trade (IST)
The IST was established in 2022 as an initiative of the Irish Exporters Association (IEA), the representative body for international trade companies based in Ireland. The IEA identified the need to professionalise the international trade sector and upskill professionals working in the industry for the challenges of the future.
Our Vision
The IST is the leading professional membership and education institute for the international trade sector and a driving force for sustainable and ethical change across industry.
Continuous Improvement
As a professional membership and education institute, the Institute of Sustainable Trade is committed to continuous improvement. Education programmes will be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure they meet the professional development needs of international trade professionals.